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Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

Energy, man, it’s all energy…

Everything is energy vibrating at different levels of frequency. Everything – you, the chair you are sitting in, the fly that just buzzed your head, the device you are using to read this blog entry, the air, water, yes, everything is energy. There is nothing but energy in the All That Is of all creation. We are living in the third dimensional field of energy at this time on Earth. We see and feel tangible objects as solids, but they are not. They are a group of atoms vibrating at a certain frequency causing them to appear and feel as they do. So what does that have to do with the conscious and subconscious minds? Well I will tell you.

Two parts of the mind…

Two parts of our known minds, conscious and subconscious, are operating at different levels of frequency too, for they too are forms of energy. The conscious mind is the thinking mind. It influences the cerebellum part of the brain. Then there is the analytical or critical mind, which we won’t discuss here. The subconscious mind is everything else and controls the body’s operating system, the autonomic nervous system (ANS). What? Did you think the subconscious mind was that part of you that is totally unconscious to everything? Nope, that would be the unconscious mind when we are not “awake” to our surroundings. I believe that the subconscious mind is conscious of everything under all conditions, even death.


The conscious or thinking mind uses about 5% of our brain’s activity. That leaves 95% of the brain up to the subconscious mind. Although we have to know here that neither one of the two minds is actually in the brain. The brain is just a physical part of the body that does the minds’ bidding, nothing else. Both the conscious and the subconscious minds are outside of the physical body or part of the energy field, not physical parts of the brain. There is some debate on this, but more and more this is becoming the belief.

The subconscious mind stores all of our memories of this life and all other lives that our soul lives. No wonder they drop the veil of knowledge of our other lives when we are born. It is confusing enough to remember everything from this life, let alone thousands of other lives. But that’s another blog entry.

The feeling part of the mind…

The subconscious mind is often called the “feeling” mind as a large portion of what it stores and or remembers has to do with our emotions. Events that made us happy, made us sad, made us angry and the 2 big ones, made us feel fear or loved are all stored in the subconscious. Once we have experienced grief, for example, every time we experience any type of loss, the subconscious reacts and remembers previous times we have experienced grief and stores that feeling there. If an intense grief is not dealt with, healed and the energy of grief released and it becomes too great, it can also be stored in the physical cells of the body and if there too long or at a large amount can cause disease or pain. The subconscious mind is a big deal!

The subconscious is kind of a big deal…

From the day we are born, and some say even in utero, up until about the age of 7 years old we are programming the subconscious mind. We are little sponges gathering every bit of information that we can about our culture, how to behave. language, our family, other people, in other words, our world, so that we learn how to function in these physical bodies. For as I said before, the subconscious controls everything other than thinking. It controls our physical movement, our internal systems, our breathing, our heart beat, digestion, everything. Without the subconscious mind we would be a pile of flesh unable to do or say anything. The good part is that we would not have to suffer for long as we would be unable to breathe.

Parts is parts… or are they?

When it comes to these two parts of our consciousness, which one would you want to know more about, the conscious or the subconscious? Think about that with your conscious mind and let the subconscious do the rest. Keep breathing!