Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

I love animals, possibly more than anything else. Well my spiritual beliefs are at the top of the list, but animals come next and are really a part of my beliefs. I receive messages from Spirit.

The Voice speaks to me…..

One day on my drive home from the college where I was a professor, the familiar voice came into my mind that often talks with me and often tells me things that are about to happen in my life. This day the voice told me that my next dog would be named Sadie. I wondered why I was getting this strange message. I had a dog, two cats and a parrot. I didn’t need another dog. I pushed it aside as just my imagination and forgot about it.

I meet Sadie…

Several months later I went to a friend’s home to help her move a piece of furniture to her office away from home. She had a new dog. She asked if I would like to meet her dog, Sadie. Sadie was in a chain linked fenced in area. As I walked up to her, she put her nose under the gate and started whimpering, almost full blown crying. I knelt down to pet her. We locked eyes. “This dog has a powerful soul” I thought to myself.

The Voice speaks again….

As my friend and I were walking away from Sadie to go into the house that familiar voice that I hear often in my head said, “Sadie is not Patricia’s dog, Sadie is your dog.” In my mind I said, “That can’t be true. Am I supposed to steal her or what? This is crazy.” I let go of this message and went on with what I was doing attributing it to my imagination once again.

Sadie and I meet again…

About 2 months later, I got a call from Patricia. She knew I was going to be moving out into the country on 5 acres soon. She asked me if I would like to have a big dog. She wanted to give Sadie to me. Sadie was a 95 lb. white German Shepherd, so yeah, a big dog. I said I would come over to see her. I had forgotten what the voice in my head had told me. When I got there Sadie was so excited she was jumping up and down in the air. She was wiggling and whimpering with joy that I was there. I told Patricia that of course I would take her. Sadie was wonderful.

We were meant to be together…

Sadie and I were inseparable for the almost 12 years we lived together. She saw me through breast cancer with surgery, chemo and all. She saw me through a colon resection surgery. She saw me through having to leave my wonderful home in the country to move back to the city nearer to the college. I even asked her if she wanted me to find her a good home so she could stay in the country. I loved her so much, I wanted to make sure she was happy. She promptly and assuredly said “I go with you.” There are more stories I could tell you about this magnificent being, but those are for another time.

The Voice is never wrong…

That familiar Voice that comes into my mind has never lied or been wrong about anything it has ever told me. My human self finds the messages hard to believe and discards them, but the Voice continues to help me in this way so that I don’t miss very important events in my life. Sadie was one of those events.

Sadie, My Forever Friend and Magnificent Spiritual Being