Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

Yesterday I wrote about the sign that says You Matter on one side and the other side says Don’t Give Up. The dogs and I went passed that house again today on our walk. I decided to tell the owner what the sign meant to me. We walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

Meeting Rachel

A very nice friendly woman answered the door and came out to pet my dogs. We introduced ourselves to each other. I told her that the first day I saw her sign I really needed it. I was starting to get discouraged starting a new business and was almost in tears. There was so much to learn with technology, where and how to notify people that I exist, writing copy for this and that. I was just overwhelmed. I read her sign and knew I was not giving up and that I do indeed matter.

Rachel’s Reaction

Rachel was just overjoyed that her sign had helped someone so much. I asked her where I could get a sign like that. She told me all about the people in Oregon who started this “movement” with the sign and other things. There was a streak of teen-age suicides going on in their city. They created the sign to give a message to teen-agers that they matter. The teen-age suicide streak went down considerably after the signs started appearing all over town. Then Rachel said she had an extra sign and wanted to give it to me. WOW!!!!!! I very gratefully accepted!

The Sign..

So just a moment ago I planted the sign in my front yard. I don’t have a picture of it yet, but I will soon and I will put it in another update. So the message will continue here in Fort Wayne that no matter what, you do matter and never ever give up. You are loved.

The Take away

What events in your life are you reminded of because of this story about one little sign and what it has done for so many? What small thing could you share or do that would make a big difference? I don’t think anyone can say that we live in a totally safe, secure world. I don’t think anyone gets through this life without moments of doubt, confusion and even desperation. What can we all do to make it the constant peaceful, loving, giving world we all dream of? Maybe all it takes is one small sign in many yards.

Love. Connect. Transform.