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Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

A Drive Home

I had a wonderful lunch with a group of women who all have something in common that gathered us together. We are receiving chiropractic care from the same doctor and we are all healing by leaps and bounds. This is light years away from traditional chiropractic, at least for our bodies it is. I feel like a brand new person in a body 25 years younger than it was last year. I love to drive and I was feeling really energetic and youthful on my ride home with the windows rolled down, the wind blowing in on my face and me with a big old grin. And that wasn’t all.

A New Channel

I found a new channel on Sirius radio – Classic Vinyl. Oh my goodness, I was in heaven. Driving down Coldwater Rd. a busy street in Fort Wayne, a cool sunny summer day with the wind, well you get it. AND playing Rock ‘N’ Roll from the 60’s and 70’s. Oh my it DOES NOT get better than this. I had the volume cranked up like all the people I complain about when they’re not playing music I like. I heard the Eagles, Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin, Credence Clearwater, you name it, it was all there. Here’s the thing. I was not so much taken back to my youth and who I was when I first heard those songs, I was awakened to the youthful me that I had become now in later years. There is a part of me that will always enjoy driving a car, playing loud music on Classic Vinyl. I am healthy enough now to enjoy every bit of it.

She May Not Be What You Think

So next time you see a grey haired woman driving fast down the street with the windows rolled down and Classic Vinyl blaring out that window, remember inside that woman lives a race car drivin’, rocker who has still got it. Don’t let that grey hair fool ya’. Instead ask her for a ride and have a really good time. But only if you know the words to the songs.