Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

Horses are incredible spiritual beings on this Earth. I am blessed to know personally 7 healing horses. The one pictured above is Jewel. She and I share a deep spiritual bond. Her love gives me more blessings than I can ever explain or express. My entire life is enriched with her presence in my life.

Star, Me and the Pink Energy of Love

This horse is Star, the youngest of the 7 healing horses. She and I shared a very special moment together in her stall last year. Before this moment, she was hesitant to even allow me to touch her, let alone be in her stall, lying down with her. A friend took this picture and the photo revealed the pink love energy pouring into the stall. That pink light cannot be seen with the naked eye. Star and I made a very deep spiritual connection that day that neither one of us will forget. I felt I was in another dimension, a heavenly dimension where only peace, joy and love reside. Today Star nuzzles my hair, sniffs at my clothes, nudges me to pet her and hangs her head in just the right way to breathe her warm breath on the back of my neck. I am truly blessed.

Mystique, A Dear Friend, Healer and Counselor

Mystique is the first horse with whom I knowingly communicated. She chose me to work with and communicate with her. We feel such a great amount of love when we are together. She tells me like it is and I have great respect for her wisdom. She and I are about to write a book together, with her supplying the content and me supplying the physical part of getting it written and published. Her immense spiritual wisdom must be shared with all of humanity. I don’t get to visit her as often as I would like as she lives 120 miles and 2 hours away from me and not only distance, but time gets in the way. She is always with me in spirit, just like Star and Jewel. I am truly blessed.

Leaving where I started, with Jewel

I may never know a deeper bond with a spiritual being than I have with these three horses. My love for all animals is my deepest and most profound love on this Earth. I feel at one with all of them. The horses I have been introducing you to all live at Serendipity Stables in York Center, OH. You may visit them too. They are there to heal people, to counsel people, to bring love to people. I have been visiting them for 10 years now and I will always be part of their lives and they with mine. More to come as my journey continues….

Until next time, Love. Connect. Transform.