Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

I often get ideas or solve a problem of some kind when I am in the shower. I mean, the process of showering is so automatic that it gives a lot of time to think. Today was no different.

I always think about how grateful I am that I have hot water, well any water for that matter, and a home in which to take the shower. I think about how most people in America live in luxury compared to people living in underdeveloped or in war torn countries. For them, just having water nearby, which could be a mile, is a luxury. Then I started thinking of other things for which I am grateful. While I was in that thought process, my knee moved a little. For some reason, that little movement took me to a whole other place of gratitude.

I thought how grateful I am for my knees, for my legs, for my body. My mind zoomed in on the inside of my leg. I saw the bones, the muscles, the tendons and ligaments, the blood vessels, and nerves and then the skin. It is so amazing all that is going on under the surface to allow me to walk that I just take for granted. I assume my legs will walk, sit, well just hold me up. My knees will bend without any problem. So much so that I forget how much goes on to make these movements possible. I am so fortunate not to have knee or hip problems like so many people around my age.

This took me to other things I take for granted like digestion, breathing, heart pumping, the blood vessels taking the blood where it needs to go, elimination, other limbs, hearing and seeing, thought itself and on and on. Think of how the body’s parts communicate with one another. Without cooperation, communication, and collaboration within your body, you could do nothing. You could not live! It is a miracle!!! Whenever you think you have never seen a miracle, just look into the mirror. There is a miracle staring back at you. This thought led me to something else.

Think about the mind, the subconscious mind. Without it you are dead in the water too. With all that your body does the subconscious is like a way station. A hub that controls everything!! Without your subconscious you could not get out of bed because all of your body’s movements have to be learned and remembered. So if you have never made a certain movement before, you must do it over and over until the memory, the neuropathways make a habit of that movement and now you have learned. So that by now you have gotten out of bed many times, walked, brushed your teeth or other movements that now have become habits. These neuropathways have created habits, habits your body uses to function. You are free to move and be alive without thought. The subconscious takes care of everything. Trillions of cells with different duties working together in harmony without you having to give it a thought to function. Here is yet another thing to add to my gratitude list about my body. But then that led me somewhere else.

What if humans could operate like the physical body in their workings with each other. Imagine communicating with each other at that level of accuracy and understanding. Imagine cooperating and collaborating with each other at that level of unity and harmony. We would all have an understanding so rich, so deep that we could never make war with anyone else. The idea of warring or killing others to possess something they have would never occur to us. We all have all that we need. There would be no ownership as we would know we all own everything. Sharing, giving and receiving, would be a way of living. We would recognize the talents, skills, and desires each of us has and we would be chosen to do those things for the community. Using the body as an analogy, here is what might happen. You have a talent for breathing you go be a lung. You have a talent for accureate timing, you can be a heart. You are skilled at creating roadways so you can be a blood vessel or part of the nervous system. Can you imagine living in this Utopia just by comparing ourselves to that miracle we call our physical body? John Lennon gave us that example of living when he wrote his song, “Imagine”.

We are living in a time of human history where change is necessary for us to survive. Perhaps using our bodies as an example of something that works so well by harmonizing with its parts we could learn to work in harmony and unity with each other to create those changes we need so much. What comes to mind for you when you are in the shower? Let your mind take you to a new place.

Until next time, Love. Connect. Transform.