Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

“The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.” Price Pritchard. I was watching my Bob Proctor 6 minute video this morning and Bob used this quote. He was talking about the gestation period of an idea, a goal. We have planted the seed for a goal, but we have no idea when it will manifest. We set a date in our mind for when we want that goal to appear in our lives. If it does not appear at that time, then one of two things have happened. Either we did not give that goal enough energy to grow or we set the wrong date. And here is where the quote comes in. “The absence of evidence (the manifestation into our physical reality of the goal) is not the evidence of absence” (it is still there in non-physical form, just not ready to make manifest).

Where is your goal?

Where is your goal in its process of gestation? Are you giving it the energy it requires to give birth? No matter what goal you set, it has to have energy from you to come into physical manifestation. All goals have to be earned. If we have a dream of some day having all the money we desire, that is a goal. How are you feeding that goal? What are you doing to give that goal the energy it requires to give birth into your life? Are you sitting on a park bench every day just dreaming of the money you will have some day? Or do you have a plan, an action that you take daily, along with concentrating on that goal every single day? Which way do you think is going to give the energy needed for you to acquire that money? Remember the goal has to be earned by giving it deep almost constant thought and physical action in order for it to come into your life.

Where are the images today?

You may be wondering why I don’t have images to represent the words I am writing. I love finding images for the blog entries. Well today we are operating on energy without something tangible for us to see. We are operating on what belief looks like. It has no image, it just is. Give that belief energy and act upon it and at some point your belief will give you a physical manifestation of itself. “The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Price Pritchard

Until next time, Love. Connect. Transform.