Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

A Walk in Nature

Today is the Sunday before Christmas. Here in northern Indiana it can be bitter cold on Dec. 22nd, but not today. It is 50 some degrees, blue sky and bright sunshine. I made a big crock pot of soup, read some deeply metaphysical stuff and watched a little TV. I decided it was time to be really spiritual, so I put leashes on my dogs and we went for a quiet walk together. Normally there is a lot of noise from people in my neighborhood. Cars with loud mufflers and blaring music, people with leaf blowers, and….well that’s about it that annoys me. But today nothing!!!! I saw 3 cars that were astoundingly quiet and no leaf blowers. AND I only saw 3 people! WOW!!!! It was just me, my dogs, the sky, the air and the Creator of All Things.


There is a simplicity in nature that rarely is seen or felt. In the quiet of the flapping of wings and songs of a bird, the rustling of leaves from a rabbit searching for food, an occasional sighting of a deer yards away but ever watching the human who could pose danger, the wind blowing through the trees that can be heard in the winter in the evergreens, and on and on. There is so much to enjoy, so much to explore and all is there to show humans how we are all connected. Not just connected, but part of each other and part of a greater whole of All That Is. That is what I enjoyed today in nature, her simplicity.

The Oneness

May you feel and take in the Oneness of All That Is during this special time of year. We are saying good-bye to a year on the calendar and anticipating a better year coming in. I am calling 2020 the Year of Perfect Vision. May all humans take the time to contemplate their perceptions of the world, the people and other living things in it and how they interconnect and communicate with that world. May there be a deepening of belief that all is in Divine Order as within the chaos of human invention, there is a quiet stillness within the simplicity of Spirit. Allow your blessings to come to you. And while you are at it, check out that part of you more often that is your connection with simplicity and beauty; that part called nature. You are it and it is you.

Until next time, Love. Connect. Transform.