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Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

My old refrigerator’s icemaker died several years ago. I rarely use or need ice, so when I thought I would need some I got out some old ice cube trays and made ice the old way. The icemaker was not the determining factor in getting a new fridge. Then the fridge died. 

I found a new refrigerator with an icemaker in it. It is supposed to make 8 cubes every 80-160 minutes or so. It made 8 cubes in two days. Hmmmmm I called the store where I bought the fridge and they sent out a repair person. Turns out it is not the refrigerator at all, it is the water supply. The little copper pipe that supplies water to the fridge is either plugged or broken. When he turned on the little valve on the pipe it just dribbled and stopped. It is supposed to provide 8 ounces of water in 8 seconds. Well that isn’t happening. I need a plumber to climb into the crawl space underneath my home to find where the pipe is having a problem providing water to the fridge and fix it.

Now, back to the old fridge. I think this source of water problem happened years ago with the old ice maker. It wasn’t the icemaker at all; it was this problem with the source. My water bill has gone up a lot in the last several years. Now I wonder if I have a leak in that pipe in the crawl space. The fridge repair man thought that the pipe might be plugged. Either way, I will probably need a new pipe. 

The Story Continues…

I discovered a month or so ago that the sink drain pipe in the half bath is leaking. Whenever I use the faucet the drain pipe leaks. Since I use it rarely I thought that I would not have someone out to tighten or replace it until another plumbing issue presents itself. I thought about having a gathering in my backyard this May or June. I want to have that bathroom in working order as it is right off the deck. Well now the plumber is going to look at that pipe too, all done on one house call.  Thank you very much universe.

What is fascinating about this is how everything comes from a single original source that leads to many different situations, conditions and effects. Little water pipe breaks or gets clogged, no ice in old fridge, fridge dies leading to a new fridge whose ice maker does not work just like the old fridge, leads to finding that the source for water is the problem which leads to the needed visit from a plumber to fix both the pipe and the drain in the sink. I just love it!!

On the same day as all this happened, I received a check in the mail from an unexpected source. It is $119.00. I had to replace my carpet in the living room due to a very sick dog and cat. I put part of the carpet on a 12 month no interest payment plan and the monthly payment is $125.00 per month. I have been waiting for the payment plan paperwork to get that all squared away with the payment due date and all. Well the the payment information came in the mail today too. I just laughed and thanked the unexpected source of money for making my first payment on the carpet.

I just love being aware!!!!!!!!!! Things just keep happening this way. They always have, I just was not aware always of the connection. Everything, everything has purpose, cause and effect. Everything is energy and energy is everything. I love looking back at events in my life and following a trail back to the origin of the trail. Fascinating. Every decision we make is based on where it is on the trail.