Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

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I am so glad to be back!!!! I took a bit of a hiatus for whatever reason I don’t even remember. I was talking with a friend yesterday about finding a new hobby. She reminded me of how much I love to write. I agreed. She suggested I start a blog. That’s a great idea! Oh my gosh, I already have a blog!!!!!! So here I am today back home to my own blog. WOW! Feels good here.

So What Now?

I am going to choose one or two blog entries from the past along with this entry to let you know I am here and to remind you of what my blog is like. I write my entries using using one of three categories depending on the entry’s content: Consciousness, Spirituality or You Matter. This one is under You Matter. So as things pop into my mind or something interesting happens in my life or the world events trigger a response from me, I will be writing entries and sending them out to you.

What About You?

What’s been happening with you? Are there topics you would like to read about in this blog? Keep the three categories I use to write blog entries in mind. For instance, I doubt I will be handing out recipes, unless it applies to the three categories. Although a soup called You Matter might be quite delicious and healthy. Hmmmm Nope, don’t have that recipe. In the past I received some wonderful comments from the readers that were inspiring and encouraging to keep writing. I very much appreciate your involvement and feedback. We are all in this thing called a physical existence together, so why not support each other.

3 Additions to My Family Since the Last Blog Entry

This, in order of appearance left to right, is Dora, Simon, and Mystic. In this photo they are 7 weeks old. I had just stopped bottle feeding them since they came to me at 7oz each at 3 weeks old. This was back in September, 2022. They are now 19 months old. They still see me as their mother and we have such a wonderful, fun filled life together. I fall deeply in love with the animals who share my home, my life. I cannot imagine my life without some animal sharing it with me. I am sure at some point or several points one or all of these cats will come up in future blog entries. They all have their gifts to give. Oh OK, I have a story about Simon.

Since he is a ginger cat I named him Spice. One day while I was doing something in the kitchen, the Voice, which I believe to be my soul or Higher Self said in my mind,”His name isn’t Spice!” I was surprised and asked, “OK, then what is his name?” “His name is Simon!” So I had to test it, of course. He was sitting on the floor across from me with his back to me. I called out “Spice” twice with no reaction from him. Then I called out “Simon”. His head whirled around immediately and he looked me in the eye. I tried it again later, wiith the same response. OK, my ginger cat is named Simon. I found out later from another message from my Higher Self that he and I were in a past life together. His name was Simon then. I was an alchemist and he was my helper. And so it is.

That’s All for Now

I hope you enjoy this entry and the ones to come. As I said, I will send out a couple of blog entries from the past to get us started again. I trust you are doing well and life is giving you precious gifts.

Until next time, Love. Connect. Transform.