Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

In the merry, merry month of July, while walking my two dogs on the fly, I came across a sign, that seemed as though divine so I’m sharing it with you, oh my. Too much…it happens.

The walk, the sign…

My dogs and I walk for about 30-45 mins. every morning depending on weather, whether or not it is raining, whether or not it is 90+ degrees with high humidity or -10 degrees with ice and snow. We have both possibilities and all in between in northern Indiana. Well this morning it was mid 70’s with rising temps and humidity expected today. We have discovered a new part of our neighborhood to walk in that has even more beautiful tall trees to give us almost constant shade during our walks. It is wonderful!!!!! This morning I saw a homemade sign in a neighbor’s yard, put out near the street where all can see it. It is about 2 1/2 feet tall, 2ft X 1ft in size, all white with big bold black print. On the one side it says “You Matter” and on the other side it says, “Don’t Give Up!” I thought Creator, the Source of All That Is planted that sign there for me to read.

The job….

I have been working almost non-stop, night and day, on finding ways to reach more people about my three types of psychic Spiritual Readings I do to help people live better lives and get in contact with Spirit. And now I am creating online courses as well. It has been a huge learning curve, what with creating the website, this blog site, learning about opt ins and landing pages, putting pins on Pinterest and posts on Instagram and trying to stay healthy and sane during it all. I have had strong feelings of giving up at times, especially when my blood pressure shoots up dangerously high during particularly stressful days learning how to create the website and having a horrible editor to do it with. But I always keep going, no matter what, because, like the sign says, I matter. My work matters. My soul’s purpose to teach and give readings matters. I just have to let people know I exist, that’s all. I won’t give up.

Don’t give up, You matter…

And so I say to you, no matter what is going on in your life, don’t give up. Follow the spiritual mission or purpose you came here to accomplish and just keep going. There will be learning curves along the way, no doubt there, but just keep learning and keep going. Every step of my way while I am learning things I never thought I would or would want to learn, I have found a new part of myself that I have come to enjoy and love. We live here on Earth, the greatest school for learning there is, because it is hard to live here. But it is also quite glorious to be part of this majestic being called Earth. Enjoy your day, and the next, and the next and the next…..

Sage, My Spiritual Partner & Fellow Walker
Ralphie, The Cutie & Fellow Walker

2 thoughts on “You Matter

  1. Apparently my Fortune Cookie at lunch today was for you too:
    “Don’t be discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”

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