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Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

How does it do it?

If you really take time to concentrate of your physical body, you will be amazed. How all of the parts of this incredible machine work together is a mystery. When I think of the miles of nerves in the nervous system, the many feet or more of blood vessels, veins and arteries, and the trillion cells that make up everything, my mind is boggled.

It works miracles.

The subconscious mind is in charge of keeping everything going, all of the systems, the heart beating, the lungs breathing, the kidneys and liver eliminating waste and on and on with all of the internal organs. This all happens without one conscious thought from us. We go about our day assuming this body will work for us as it always does.We aren’t aware of the incredible amount of organization and communication that has to go on within us so that we can move, we can function, we can live. We take it for granted.

It heals itself.

Not only does it keep us functioning on a normal level, but it also has the miraculous ability to heal itself. And we assume that it will, in most cases. When we cut our finger, we assume the skin will heal in a few days and the finger will be fine. We never think that it will remain open forever and need constant care to prevent infection. We break a bone, get it set and assume that within weeks it will be healed, and back like it was before. Even when we get a viral infection, such as the common cold, we feel miserable and it feels like it will never end, but we know it will because we assume it will from past experience. And the body does heal.

It can’t always heal itself.

There are more serious conditions that do not heal as easily as a cut finger or simple broken bone or the common cold. In all ways the body strives for homeostasis, balance and harmony. The body has an inner intelligence of its own that does all it can to stay vibrant and alive. But some conditions come along that throw the body out of balance, diminish its healing capabilities and often bring the body to its end.

Appreciate it, Love it.

Through appreciation of its unique abilities that often go unseen, under appreciated and taken for granted, we must still care for our body. Give it proper nourishment, movement, and rest. It is amazing how well it can continue to function when we treat it with so much disregard, little care, trusting it will always go on without our attention. Love this miraculous machine that you were given to be mobile in this third dimensional world you find yourself living in. Treat it with respect, with appreciation and yes, with gratitude. Be grateful for the body that you have. It is here to serve you.

Treat your body well

Keep your body in great condition and it will function like the well oiled machine that it is for you. It is here to serve you. Give it nourishing food so that it has the energy it needs to perform all it needs to do for you to live fully. The body was built to move, so move it. Give action. Walk it. Stretch it. Just keep it moving. Equally important is to allow it to have its rest. When you feel tired, it is for good reason. The body needs rest to maintain balance. Reduce your mental and emotional stress. Meditate. Journal.

Your body is your temple. Treat it as such for in the scheme of things, you are living within a living, breathing miracle like no other.