Connecting With You

Exploring the Metaphysical – Beyond the Body

As I have spent hours upon hours upon hours working on my laptop creating website after website and now my Facebook business page, I have found frustration to be my constant companion. Fear is always behind it all as I am terrified that I will lose all that I have done if I click this button or move to that page or whatever. I find that research does little good when it comes to how to do something on a website or Facebook page because things change so fast on the pages that the instructions serve no purpose. I wish I always looked and felt as the woman in the picture above.

What is behind it all?

Thoughts create reality. My frustration and my negative thoughts because of it are creating the problems. I bring to me what I think. I think that I am going to have problems with the software and so I do. I have to travel from tab to tab to tab to get somewhere totally unfamiliar and I do what I need to do while I am there. I go back to the page and the correction has not been made or something has not been added. Can I find my way back through the maze of tabs? No. What I find is more frustration and fear that I will never get the website or the page up and running. My thoughts created this reality.

There is hope.

I can change my thoughts. I can change my actions. I can change my habits. I can change my experience. First I do not sit down at the laptop expecting to have problems, but hoping I won’t. Second I change how I act while working. Perhaps I change where I sit, give myself more room for the piles of notes, the laptop, my glass of water and the mouse. Third I can change my habit of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. And last, doing all of the above, I can change my experience. One thing I am learning is that we don’t have to do everything by ourselves. I am calling in people who know how to do these things to teach me, rather than stumbling through the internet, YouTube and who knows where else searching for answers. I seek out those who know how to do this and relieve my stress. My key to success is that I change me to change my situation.

What is frustrating you?

Are you having similar experiences in your life? What can you do to change it? Start with your thoughts. Change them, change your reality. Your thoughts have become habits. Become aware of what has become a habit for you. Is it working? If not, create a new habit. The only way to eliminate an old habit that no longer works is to create a new one. You can do it because you have been doing it all of your life. And take action to make that change. I will meet you on the other side of frustration and we can sit and smile together.

Until next time, Love. Connect. Transform.